MAKS+ Research: Apple Pay’s First year in Poland

On June 19, 2018, Apple Pay was launched in Poland. The service debuted at 9 banks simultaneously, breaking the barrier of 100,000 added cards added to the Wallet apps throughout Poland during only the first week. Now – one year later, we would like to share with you the results of our research.

A year was enough time for Apple Pay and its acceptance by Poles to show that the service was very much needed on the Polish payment market – 94% of respondents declared that they used Apple Pay as their paying method at least once. This result coincides with the result provided by Apple on their March 2019 event – Apple revealed that Apple Pay was used by 95% of Polish users.

90% of respondents claimed that Apple Pay is safe, fast and secure. 75% stopped carrying a wallet, or physical credit or debit cards. 85% of respondents pointed to the security of transactions as the reason for choosing Apple Pay, and 68% of users appreciate Apple Pay’s security in terms of convenience, mentioning the authorization by Face ID or Touch ID, instead of putting the card’s PIN code in the POS device.

Apple Pay debuted with 9 nationwide banks. This gives the Poland the leading position on the list of countries with the largest number of banks in the Apple Pay rollout. 64% of users use Apple Pay since day one, and 82% of them had the cards that were ready for Apple Pay on day one. 12% of respondents opened a new bank accounts especially to have the Apple Pay, and 2% of users already had accounts in the banks outside Poland.

76% of respondents didn’t experience any errors with payments. The remaining 24% points to errors that mainly occurred just once or were not a major problem.

56% of users used Apple Pay to pay in app or on the web. 88% of respondents are more likely to choose the payment via Apple Pay, rather than putting the card numbers or BLIK code (polish inter-banking payment standard) in app or on the web page.

Also we would like to point out that 85% of respondents definitely will recommend the Apple Pay service to their friends or family. This result is directly related to the users’ satisfaction.

As the part of the research, we’ve prepared a special infographic summarizing the results of the study.

Data based on 725 votes.
The survey was conducted from May 21 to June 12.
Publication under a Creative Commons license – CC BY-NC-ND
Apple, Apple logo, iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.

Media information

Maks Motyka
mail: [email protected]

John Smoliński
mail: [email protected]

Maks Pływaczyk
mail: [email protected]

Maciej Wulf
mail: [email protected]